If you're curious about all things paranormal or spiritual you have come to the right place! You may have come across information about what is called the third eye, inner eye, mind's eye, anja (brow chakra) or the 6th Chakra. If you haven't, then you have been lead here for a reason! What is the Third Eye The third eye can be found in information from ancient days in many cultures. The third eye refers to the gate that leads to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. In New Age spirituality, the third eye often symbolizes a state of enlightenment or the evocation of mental images having deeply personal spiritual or psychological significance. The third eye is often associated with religious visions, clairvoyance, the ability to observe chakras and auras, precognition, and out-of-body experiences. People who are claimed to have the capacity to utilize their third eyes are sometimes known as seers. In Hinduism, the third eye is said to be located around the middle of the forehead, slightly above the junction of the eyebrows.(1) ![]() Does everyone have a third eye? The fact of the matter is that everyone is born with the ability to use their third eye but not everyone uses it to its full potential. For example, you may have a gut feeling and then act on it. Some of us are born with a stronger connection to source than others. My way of explaining it normally, is by using regular every day life. For example, everyone can draw but not everyone is an artist. If you were born with this gift of the arts, that doesn't mean you are an expert overnight. As an artist you must still practice and hone your skills. As someone with spiritual abilities, this always resonates with me. It's the easiest way I could explain the concept to someone who wants to understand. The third eye is our sixth sense. Senses do nothing precisely other than relay data to you. As an example, what do your eyes actively do? Nothing, you can't shoot lasers from your eyes (although I wish I could) Your eye's return visual data to your brain. The Third Eye returns information on what might be and also energetic states. You can sense emotions from other people or it can show you someones life path. Everyone has a different spiritual gift and may 'major' in one area or in all of them. Is my Third Eye awakening? Sometimes we don't even recognize that we see more then we realize. Many of you are already open to the spiritual realm but I like to picture your third eye just squinting. As if the Third Eye has not adjusted to the bright lights yet! However most people ignore, fear it or just don't understand it. I sure didn't understand what was happening to me as a kid! This wasn't something to be discussed and was only accepted in movies, stories or halloween costumes. However, it did inspire me to be a ghostbuster. Opening your third eye means using exercises to practice and grow. You need to accept that this is a part of you and to trust the messages sent by spirit! For many years I like to say I was in the 'closet' regarding my Intuitive Mediumship. My thoughts would spiral thinking of what would happen if friends, family or coworkers found out who I really was. There is such a stigma around 'psychics' that I just didn't want to be categorized as this crazy fortune teller trying to bamboozle you for your money. This wasn't a parlor trick for me, this was my real life! As I practiced in paranormal investigations, my visions were confirmed with evidence and I grew confidence. 7 SIGNS YOUR THIRD EYE IS AWAKENING 1. A TINGLING OR PRESSURE SENSATION BETWEEN YOUR BROWS. Meditation is very key to developing the third eye. When it opens you may feel pressure and warmth between your brows and across your forehead. Sometimes there is a tingling sensation that you cannot explain. This is a sign that your pineal gland is expanding energetically. You might also suffer from headaches or feel as though someone is touching your forehead. 2. SYNCHRONICITY AND PERCEPTION You have started to see everything around you in a different light. You understand that there are no coincidences and see how all the 'dots' connect in your life. You see why the people you have met and events that took place happened in your life seemingly at the right times. This is what the third eye does, it gives you the ability to see the harmony in life. The intuition you have starts to increase if you are actually paying attention. There are various stages throughout the awakening of the third eye and even the crown chakra. You will begin to reach higher states of consciousness and feel the energy of source within you. It just seems easier to understand others and become mindful of their actions. As you begin to raise your vibration, it's as if the whole world has changed. You may start noticing number alignments everywhere from the time on a clock to a sign on the road. There might numbers that resonate with you that start to show up repeatedly (11:11). It could be your angels trying to send messages. All of these things reveal how connected we truly are to the world through our conscious and subconscious thought. Our thoughts control our reality and bring us together through synchronistic experiences. These experiences help us to evolve on both our physical and spiritual journey. 3. CHANGE IN THOUGHT When our third eye opens the way we see the world changes. How you use to think just doesn't work anymore. These thoughts no longer serve you as you awaken. You may start to feel drawn or lead to spiritual books, stores and people. Energetic messages may start to come to you with important information about your purpose in life. It reminds me of this quote: "If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits." - Bruce Lee You are more connected to your higher self and your potential is limitless. You may begin to question life and search for your own answers instead of listening to the agreements society has taught you all your life. You are now finding your own truth! Check out some thought altering books on my RECOMMENDED BOOKS page. 4. LUCID OR VIVID DREAMING One of my first psychic experiences was through precognitive dreams. I really did think it was normal to have such vivid long dreams that could fill a book. Whenever I would tell my mom I had a dream, she gave me this look and say "Here we go again with the long winded dreams". I'm glad she had patience to deal with my Lord of the Rings long epic stories. In dreams there are times where I can feel, touch and smell them! In lucid dreams you will realize that you are dreaming and control what happens. You may also have out-of-body experiences that you remember in the morning. It's a very different feeling when this happens, normally I'm just wandering around my house or someone elses. I know...not that exciting! When your third eye is open you it increases melatonin levels which is a hormone secreted by the pineal glad. Melatonin actually regulates our sleep cycle and causes vivid dreams. What you need to learn is to decipher the symbolic nature of the dream. Creating a dream journal is a great way to start understanding your gift and connecting them to future events. 5. WELLNESS When you start to awaken, you start to understand that energy is in everything. From a big mac to an essential oil, everything is vibrating at a certain frequency of energy. During this process your body will start to change and re-balance and as a result you will naturally be drawn to wellness. Your body may start to reject foods you have been eating for a long time. It's like you become more conscious of the energy you place within your body. The sensitivity to toxic products and foods increase in your body. This may inspire you to eat more foods that nourish you, switch to natural products and use items which raise your vibration! Your body may force you to start eliminating some substances from your diet or that you use daily. Did you know all things have a different frequency? In fact, some essential oils vibrate at a higher frequency than humans and it's why they are so healing! I personally use oils which I know are very high frequency during every spiritual reading or meditation. Not only do they put you in a relaxed state, but they raise your vibration so the messages relay easier. Spirits, angels, spirit guides, they all vibrates much higher than humans. So in order for us to communicate we must raise our own vibration for clarity. 6. HIGHER SELF AND YOUR LIFES PURPOSE Did you suddenly wake up and see your life very differently? Everything in your life is exactly the same, but now its like you see life with 3D glasses? Now you go to your current job and realize it does not serve your purpose. After gaining a new perspective you may notice negative actions or words from people around, are more noticeable and offensive. This is just your third eye awakening and making you see things or people in your life that do not align. Yes, you will see amazing visions but it also means you will literally see many things you may not want to. Enlightenment is the key to find your life path. 7. PSYCHIC ABILITIES The third eye will bring forth abilities that you thought were only true in fairy tales or sci-fi movies. There are many abilities that can arise including, clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, automatic writing, mediumship and the list goes on. There are small experiences that start happening which may be strange and confusing. You may sense when something bad is going to happen, you might feel the emotions of someone else or you may meet someone and just 'know' what type of person they are. Overtime the your abilities get stronger and new abilities develop. Mediumship can come in many forms on it's own. Someone with this ability may speak to spirits telepathically, hear them or see them in with either their eyes or minds eye in different forms. Some people might smell a scent from a spirit, like 'grandma's perfume' to reveal who they are. These abilities are for the greater good and cannot be used for selfish gain. This is why psychic's get frustrated when people ask why they haven't won the lottery! We don't know everything and all of us are learning to develop a gift which can make the world a better place. In my books, using an ability to bring light into someones life is a gift.
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